Legal Aid Society


LAS Decries Denial of Basic Medical Care at Prison Nursing Home

The Legal Aid Society decried the lack of access to medical care among men and women with chronic health issues incarcerated at Adirondack Correctional Facility, an upstate New York nursing home facility just south of the Canadian border, reports Gothamist. Nearly 100 elderly people were transferred to Adirondack in June as COVID-19 spread through downstate prisons, but advocates assert that in the following months many incarcerated people have been been unable to get proper medical attention for myriad afflictions, and now live in fear of succumbing to treatable conditions within the facility.

“We’re very concerned. This is now a facility where folks with serious medical needs have been transferred to and yet the department hasn’t evinced any intention to provide the kind of intensive medical treatment that would be needed,’ said Stefen Short, Supervising Attorney with the Prisoners’ Rights Project at The Legal Aid Society.