Legal Aid Society


LAS in the News 06.07.24

At The Legal Aid Society our Civil, Criminal Defense, Juvenile Rights, and Pro Bono practices work tirelessly in and out of the courtroom to defend our clients and dismantle the hidden, systemic barriers that can prevent them from thriving in New York City. We seek to be a beacon of hope for those who feel neglected —regardless of who they are, where they come from, or how they identify. Our experienced teams provide comprehensive services, support, and advocacy that protect rights, keep families and communitiess together, and in many cases, saves lives. We have an intrinsic connection to the daily lives of New Yorkers. Here are a few of the places we made a difference, provided context or added valuable perspective this week.

LAS condemns Biden order to severely limit asylum seekers

Newsweek: Joe Biden’s New Border Order Already Hit With Legal Threat
CBS NY: New York officials, advocates react to Biden’s new immigration order
Gothamist: Biden policy switch means fewer migrants will reach NYC, experts say

More LAS in the news

NY Magazine: ‘They Slave Us’: Prison Workers on Life Behind Bars
AMNY: Social justice group demands end to forced prison labor in New York
Amsterdam News: Legal Aid Society hits the road to offer Harlemites free legal services
NYDN: New York State’s parole needs reform
Politico: New York Police Department flouts technology oversight law, report finds
Business Insider: I dodged a 15% rent increase because of a new NYC housing protection law.
Reuters: Lengthy immigrant detention can be unconstitutional, US appeals court rules
City Limits: Alcaldía empieza a endurecer reglas de realojamiento de inmigrantes adultos
WAER: Major issues are down to the wire as the 2024 NYS legislative session draws to a close
Gothamist: Free lawyers for low-income defendants are in ‘crisis,’ says New York’s top judge
City Limits: Opinion: Safeguarding Children’s Right to Remain Silent in New York
Gothamist: After touting $3M housing discrimination crackdown, NYC has yet to issue the funds
Politico: Raise the Age