Juvenile Delinquency & Detention
We provide direct representation and counsel youth and families impacted by the Juvenile Justice system—our representation includes legal defense for pending cases, as well as advising at police interrogations, arranging for safe surrenders, and avoiding court filings through early engagement of legal support and intervention.
How To Get Help
Call our Juvenile Rights Practice trial office in your borough and ask to speak to a delinquency supervisor:
- If you are 16 or 17, or a parent or guardian of such a youth, and the police have contacted you about a misdemeanor offense
- If you are 15 or younger, or a parent or guardian of such a youth, and the police have contacted you about any felony or misdemeanor.
JRP Offices:
Bronx: 718-579-7900
Brooklyn: 718-237-3100
Manhattan: 212-312-2260
Queens: 718-298-8900
Staten Island: 347-422-5333
Call our Criminal Defense Practice trial office in your borough and ask to speak to the intake attorney:
- If you are 14-15 years old, or a parent or guardian of such a youth, and the police have contacted you about a serious felony charge or
- If you are 16 or 17 years old, or a parent or guardian of such a youth, and the police have contacted you about any felony charge.
CDP Offices:
Bronx: 718-579-3000
Brooklyn: 718-237-2000
Manhattan: 212-732-5000
Queens: 718-286-2000
Staten Island: 347-422-5333
We can answer your questions about the process and we are available to communicate with the arresting officer to:
- Arrange for the youth to turn themselves in.
- Tell the NYPD not to question the youth.
- Provide counsel through the arrest process.
If your child has already been arrested and you have questions about what is going to happen you can also call us at the numbers above.
To find your child’s location if they are in detention (Crossroads, Horizons, or a Non-Secure Detention facility) call ACS at 212-442 7100.