Legal Aid Society


LAS Condemns $159 Million in Secret NYPD Surveillance Contracts

The Legal Aid Society and Surveillance Technology Oversight Project (S.T.O.P.), a New York-based privacy group, today condemned the NYPD’s purchase of more than $159 million in secret surveillance equipment that had previously been hidden from the public, as reported by WIRED.

Today, the organizations jointly released documents, which date back up to 10 years, show millions in purchases of facial recognition software, cellphone tracking tools, and predictive policing technology.

“The NYPD should not be permitted to hide millions of dollars in spending. These contracts lead to real-world consequences in courtrooms and police interactions across New York City,” said Jerome D. Greco, Supervising Attorney of The Legal Aid Society’s Digital Forensics Unit“There’s always a concern when it comes to the NYPD that there’s something else that is being hidden.”