Capital One and Consumer Law Project Partner to Support NYC Consumers
The Legal Aid Society’s Civil Practice was proud to receive new support in 2020 from Capital One. This support is part of the Capital One Impact Initiative that seeks to advance socioeconomic mobility by advocating for an inclusive society, building thriving communities and creating financial tools that enrich lives. It is fueled by an initial $200 million multi-year commitment in community grants to catalyze economic growth in low- and moderate-income communities and close gaps in equity and opportunity.
The Legal Aid Society’s Consumer Law Project aligns closely with Capital One’s goals: our small team represents low-income clients in consumer matters, while also reaching out to communities who are vulnerable to predatory lending practices—often immigrants and people of color—to prevent debt and court-involvement before it happens. Last year, we reached 440 New Yorkers through 250 unique court cases. And with Capital One’s support, the Consumer Law Project just released a small claims court manual so that New Yorkers representing themselves have the information and resources they need to navigate the small claims system.
As Shervon Small, supervising attorney of the Consumer Law Project says, “Legal Aid ensures equal access to justice for low income New Yorkers. Our economic equity work ensures equal access to success.” Especially as low income people of color continue to face the worst effects of COVID-19, programs like the Consumer Law Project that provide financial support and protections are critical for the recovery of Black and Brown communities and the city.
Capital One’s investments spark innovation and collaboration for local organizations making a difference. With their partnership this year, The Legal Aid Society’s Consumer Law Project will continue to fight for and protect our most vulnerable friends and neighbors.