Legal Aid Society


LAS Calls on Governor Cuomo to Reconsider Mask Guidance

The Legal Aid Society issued a joint letter with more than a dozen labor organizations and progressive groups – including Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union, Make the Road New York – to Governor Andrew Cuomo urging him to reconsider the state’s current guidance on mask-wearing for fully vaccinated people indoors over concerns it could put vulnerable workers at risk, as reported by Spectrum Local News.

The letter comes a week after New York backed the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that largely ends mask wearing for fully vaccinated people in most settings, while at the same time, New York stripped many pandemic-related guidelines for public gatherings and businesses.

“Now is not the time to throw away all that we have learned from this pandemic and put workers’ lives at risk,” the letter states. “Continuing to wear masks indoors in order to prevent infections and save lives is simply common sense.”