Op-Ed: When White People Call the Cops on Black People, They Lay Bare Classic US Racism
Attorneys from the Legal Aid Society assailed the act of white people calling the police on black people in a new op-ed on Truthout. Citing the notorious viral video of Amy Cooper – a white woman in New York city who called the police and falsely told them a black man had threatened her life – the authors detail the role of the police in maintaining racist social hierarchy in the U.S. and defending white privilege at the expense of black Americans.
The op-ed was jointly authored by Nefertiti Ankra, Zamir Ben-Dan, Julia Jenkins and Takiya Wheeler – all public defenders and members of the Black Attorneys of Legal Aid Caucus at The Legal Aid Society.
“White Americans know that a de facto function of the police is to keep Black people in check; and when they have called the police, it was a given that the officers would side with them against Black people,” they write. “There are lots of Amy Coopers in the U.S. […] and their privilege and sense of entitlement makes life in the U.S. hell for Black people.”
Read the full piece here.