Legal Aid Society


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Showing -128 — -130 of 1698.

LAS Breaks Down How NYPD Surveillance Tech Leads to Over-Policing

Gunshot detection technology draws communities of color into more police interactions, reports The City.
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LAS Warns of Dire Consequences for Renters Who Aren’t Getting a Break

Shifting economic landscape predicts uncertainty for New Yorkers, reports
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Op-Ed: Why Blue Lies Matter: It Is Everyone’s Business When Police Fail To Tell The Truth

LAS attorneys address the systemic failure of police culture in today's Daily News.
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LAS Launches Cop Accountability Clinic to Assist Protesters in Filing Notice of Claims, CCRB Complaints

Roughly 500 Volunteer Attorneys On Hand To Assist New Yorkers, reports the New York Law Journal.
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LAS Condemns NYPD for Continuing to Add Innocent New Yorkers to DNA Database

Despite promises to reduce the local DNA database, the City has added over 1,800 profiles since February of this year, reports NY1.
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LAS Slams NY Prisons for Lack of Testing in Confronting COVID-19 Threat

People in prison continue to face myriad dangers in the absence of adequate testing, reports City Limits.
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LAS in the News 7.03.20

We have an intrinsic connection to the daily lives of New Yorkers. Here are a few of the places we made a difference, provided context or added valuable perspective this week.
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LAS Calls Brooklyn Housing Court an Unacceptable Risk to Public Health

Electeds and advocates alike push for delay in reopening or relocation of the court, reports
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LAS on How to Handle a Landlord Threatening Eviction

Your housing rights in a legal landscape rocked by COVID-19, reported in Buzzfeed.
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LAS Condemns DOCCS for Failing to Screen Incarcerated New Yorkers for COVID-19

Despite new guidelines from the CDC, DOCCS has refused to implement regular testing of all persons currently in its custody, reports the New York Daily News.
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