Legal Aid Society


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Showing -140 — -142 of 1698.

LAS Calls for Aggressive Steps to Prevent a Building Eviction Crisis

Proposals call for suspending or forgiving rent payments in the aftermath of COVID-19's economic destruction, reports The Appeal.
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NYC’s Coronavirus Safety Directives Recall Abuses of Historical “Anti-Mask Law”

The government order may engender selective enforcement among marginalized communities, reports The New Republic.
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LTE: NYPD Must Re-Evaluate Police Priorities to Mitigate Spread of COVID-19

Jennvine Wong, a staff attorney with The Legal Aid Society's Cop Accountability Project, penned a letter to the editor in today’s New York Daily News calling on the NYPD to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 as infection rates continue to skyrocket among officers.
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LAS in the News 3.17.20

We have an intrinsic connection to the daily lives of New Yorkers. Here are a few of the places we made a difference, provided context or added valuable perspective this week.
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LAS Demands Rent Freeze for NYC’s Rent-Stabilized Apartments

Following new RGB report, advocates fear a rent increase amidst the coronavirus outbreak could lead to mass evictions, according to Curbed.
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LAS Decries Scarcity of Hotel Isolation Units Provided by City in Fight to Halt COVID-19 Spread

Infected patients describe "ordeal" of gaining access to scarce quarantine units, reports THE CITY.
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LAS and Kasowitz File Lawsuit to Free 9 Clients Incarcerated at NYS Prisons

In light of the quickly escalating public health crisis the COVID-19 pandemic has triggered within New York State prisons, the writ seeks their immediate release, reports the Associated Press.
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LAS Explains Changes to Mortgages and Foreclosures During COVID-19 Crisis

Legal Aid housing attorneys answer frequently asked questions in a piece on
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LAS Files Clemency Applications on Behalf of 20 Incarcerated New Yorkers

Many of these individuals have upcoming release dates or are especially vulnerable to COVID-19, according to The New Republic.
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LAS Calls on Mayor, NYPD to Modify Policing Practices​ Putting Communities at Risk of COVID-19

Despite a decrease in crime and a rapid increase of confirmed cases amongst the NYPD, Police Commissioner Dermot Shea has not committed to any policy changes, reports The Intercept.
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