Legal Aid Society


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Showing -27 — -29 of 1698.

Darrel Stone Faces Eviction Despite Being a Model Tenant for 15 Years

The Legal Aid Society is calling on State lawmakers to enact "Good Cause" legislation to protect tenants like Mr. Stone.
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LAS in the News 03.10.23

We have an intrinsic connection to the daily lives of New Yorkers. Here are a few of the places we made a difference, provided context or added valuable perspective this week.
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Listen: Attorneys for Children Seek Pay Parity

The Legal Aid Society's Dawne Mitchell joined The Capitol Pressroom to discuss the critical need for fair compensation for lawyers representing children in family court.
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Jeffrey Deskovic Spent 16 Years in Prison for a Crime He Didn’t Commit

Mr. Deskovic is partnering with the #Right2RemainSilent coalition to pass legislation to protect youth against coerced false confessions.
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LAS Demands Funding to Ensure Quality Representation for Low-Income New Yorkers

The Legal Aid Society is calling on all levels of government to do their part to fairly fund public defenders and civil legal service providers.
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LAS in the News 03.03.23

We have an intrinsic connection to the daily lives of New Yorkers. Here are a few of the places we made a difference, provided context or added valuable perspective this week.
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LAS: Emergency Housing Facilities Must Comply with Right to Shelter Laws

Newly introduced legislation would require emergency housing centers to meet the same health and safety standards applied to City shelters.
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LAS Sues to Protect Harlem Tenants, End Illegal Apartment Conversions

New plaintiffs have joined a Legal Aid lawsuit that seeks to close a loophole unscrupulous landlords are exploiting to displace rent-stabilized tenants.
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LAS: Mental Health Court Success Makes the Case for Treatment Not Jail Act

A new feature in the New York Daily News highlights the positive transformations that are possible when justice-involved New Yorkers have the option of services and support rather than incarceration.
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LAS Decries Eviction of Residents Displaced by Hurricane Ida

The displaced New Yorkers had been staying at a hotel in lower Manhattan and were abruptly told they had to leave over the weekend.
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