Legal Aid Society


LAS Decries Vote to Increase Rent for Vulnerable New Yorkers

The Legal Aid Society condemned the Rent Guidelines Board for voting to increase rents for residents of stabilized apartments, lofts, and hotels. Rents will increase by 2.75 percent for one-year leases and 5.25 percent for two-year leases.

“Once again, the Rent Guidelines Board has voted to increase rents on stabilized units across the city, jeopardizing the housing stability of more than one million tenants,” said – Adriene Holder, Chief Attorney of Legal Aid’s Civil Practice. “These needless rent hikes for an already struggling population will undoubtedly lead to increased rates of homelessness, eviction, and displacement.”

“This Board’s votes, year after year, to continue increasing rents on tenants — many of whom are already rent-burdened or severely rent-burdened — prove that they are willfully uninterested in making informed decisions that will keep these units affordable for all New Yorkers,” she continued.  “Instead, the Board seems interested only in continuing to line the pockets of landlords while tenants are left to suffer the consequences. We condemn tonight’s vote in the strongest possible terms.”