Legal Aid Society


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Showing -41 — -43 of 1698.

LAS: Court Ruling Underscores Need for Statewide “Good Cause” Eviction Protections

A New York State Court has struck down the City of Albany’s “Good Cause” eviction law, eliminating critical protections for tenants.
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Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Ending “Remain in Mexico” Program

The Trump-era immigration policy forces asylum seekers arriving at the southwestern border to await approval in Mexico.
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Elizabeth Newton Honored for Commitment to Young New Yorkers

Newton is the recipient of this year's Stephanie E. Kupferman Juvenile Justice Award, which is bestowed by the Women's Bar Association of the State of New York.  
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LAS in the News 06.24.24

We have an intrinsic connection to the daily lives of New Yorkers. Here are a few of the places we made a difference, provided context or added valuable perspective this week.
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LAS Condemns Supreme Court Ruling Overturning Roe v. Wade

The Supreme Court has voted to overturn the landmark decision that made abortion legal nationwide.
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Data: City Still Failing to Ensure Access to Medical Care for Incarcerated New Yorkers

The Department of Correction continues to be in contempt of a court order, despite claims of compliance, as reported by the New York Daily News.
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LAS Calls for Equitable Gun Legislation Following Supreme Court Ruling

The Supreme Court has blocked New York's conceal-carry law and Legal Aid is calling on lawmakers to not repeat policies that disproportionately affect BIPOC communities.
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LAS: Mayor Adams Cannot Ignore Deaths on Rikers

The Mayor visited the facility for a press conference but continues to deny the reality of the ongoing humanitarian crisis in City jails.
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LAS Decries Rent Hikes for Vulnerable New Yorkers

Despite high prices and economic uncertainty, the Rent Guidelines Board voted to increase rents for residents of stabilized apartments, lofts, and hotels.
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LAS Mourns Albert Drye, Eighth New Yorker to Pass in DOC Custody This Year

The Legal Aid Society is demanding immediate answers from the City and the jail medical staff about the circumstances leading to Mr. Drye’s death.
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