Legal Aid Society


LAS Demands Reform After Deluge of NYPD Misconduct Complaints From Protesters

The Legal Aid Society – a frequent defender of victims of misconduct by the NYPD – has called out the nation’s largest police force for the aggressive, heavy-handed approach to recent protests that have generated a wave of complaints against officers across the city. The Civilian Complaint Review Board,  is now investigating more than 700 cases related to the protests, which, ironically, were spurred by the killing of George Floyd due to blatant police misconduct, per ABC 7.

The Legal Aid Society and other NYC legal advocates have long demanded serious reform from the NYPD – an idea now finally gaining wider acceptance in the wake of a spate of viral videos depicting the grisly reality of police misconduct.

“People have to feel and see that their complaints are being taken seriously, and officers are actually held accountable,” said Jennvine Wong, a staff attorney with The Legal Aid Society’s Cop Accountability Project.