Legal Aid Society

Search Results for “tatyana king”

Showing -9 — -11 of 134 for “tatyana king”.
Legal Resources

What You Need to Know About Your Rights as a Protester

Information New Yorkers need to be safe and informed while protesting.
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LAS Calls on Governor Hochul to Sign Essential Legislation

The new Governor can demonstrate her commitment to equal justice for all New Yorkers by signing multiple bills already passed by the state legislature.
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Legal Resources

What You Need to Know About Lump Sum Payments and Medicaid Eligibility

Information about receiving a lump sum payment from Medicaid and how it may affect your eligibility or coverage.
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Legal Resources

What You Need to Know About Discrimination & Harassment in the AAPI Massage & Nail Business

Over the past two years, there has been a surge in harassment against the AAPI (Asian American Pacific Islander) Community. More than 9,000 hate incidents were reported between March 2020 and June 2021 across all...
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LAS: DOC Must Immediately Remedy Heat and Hot Water Outages

Two facilities on Rikers Island have been without functioning heat or hot water since Tuesday and cooler temperatures are expected in the coming days.
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Article 78 Police Records

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Advocating for Homeowners in the Foreclosure Prevention Project

Khadine De Paiva is working to protect the homes of New Yorkers. As a staff attorney in our Foreclosure Prevention Project, she advocates for homeowners and helps them stay in their houses, all while building a stronger community.
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Legal Resources

What You Need to Know About Encounters with the Police

Police encounters can be frightening and they have the potential to escalate. The most important aspect of the encounter is your safety so stay in control and remember to exercise your rights. You have the...
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City Scientists Call for Independence from NYPD

The Legal Aid Society supports scientists working at the NYC Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in their desire for the City Council to enforce fair and ethical DNA collection, according to the New York Daily News.
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LAS in the News 1.10.20

We have an intrinsic connection to the daily lives of New Yorkers. Here are a few of the places we made a difference, provided context or added valuable perspective this week.
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