Legal Aid Society

Search Results for “tatyana king”

Showing -11 — -13 of 134 for “tatyana king”.

LAS Backs “Clean Slate” Legislation

The proposed bill would create a two-step process to automatically seal and expunge past convictions, according to the New York Daily News.
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Legal Resources

What You Need to Know About Getting Disability Benefits from the Social Security Administration for Adults

Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a federal program that pays benefits to adults with disabilities who have limited income and resources, and who have little or no work history. Adults with a work history might...
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What We Do

Fighting for Racial Equity

We fight for racial justice in the courts and in our communities through outreach, education, and legal representation.
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LAS in the News 08.04.23

We have an intrinsic connection to the daily lives of New Yorkers. Here are a few of the places we made a difference, provided context or added valuable perspective this week.
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Legal Resources

What You Need to Know About Background Checks

Many employers and government licensing agencies can obtain your criminal record. Learn how to access your own records and dispute errors below.
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Watch: Twyla Carter on Loan Forgiveness, Equitable Funding

Legal Aid's Attorney-in-Chief and CEO recently joined Reaching Out With Gregory Floyd to discuss loan forgiveness, pay parity, and more.
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What We Do

Defending the Accused & Incarcerated

We defend clients in trial, appellate, and post-conviction matters. We seek to reform systems of incarceration.
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What We Do

Upholding Workers’ Rights

We provide representation, legal assistance, and education to low-wage and unemployed workers who have experienced violations of the employment laws or who are seeking unemployment insurance benefits.
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Protecting Families & Children

The Legal Aid Society is asking lawmakers to pass three essential bills to reform the family regulation system to better protect families and children from harm.
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