Legal Aid Society

Day in the Life Stories

Showing -1 — -3 of 64.

Holding the NYPD Responsible in the Cop Accountability Project

Jennvine Wong is making sure police officers who commit egregious acts against the communities we serve are held accountable.
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Standing With Immigrant Families in the Civil Law Reform Unit

Paralegal Casehandler Jorge Lema Rodriguez has witnessed firsthand the economic, linguistic, and bureaucratic hurdles that arise for New York’s immigrant families.
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Keeping Tenants in Their Homes as Part of the Eviction Defense Team

Sarah Cohen is protecting clients from illegal evictions by unscrupulous landlords along with her colleagues in the Bronx Neighborhood Office.
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Building a Better Future in the Homeless Rights Project

For over three decades, we have fought to defend the Right to Shelter for homeless people across our city. Josh Goldfein, a staff attorney with our Homeless Rights Project, has helped lead the charge.
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Preventing Mass Evictions in the Civil Law Reform Unit

Judith Goldiner was part of the team that helped push for emergency protections for tenants at the start of the pandemic. Her efforts stopped 200,000 eviction cases from proceeding since March.
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Upholding Workers’ Rights Through the Employment Law Unit

Richard Blum is connecting vulnerable individuals to unemployment assistance and creating enforceable health standards to protect workers.
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Answering the Call for a City in Crisis Through Our Helplines

Jean Marie Miranda connects clients to the legal help they need. The COVID-19 pandemic has only seen the need for our help grow. From employment, to housing, to education – New Yorkers need our support now more than ever.
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Defending the Incarcerated Through the Prisoners’ Rights Project

Stefen R. Short is protecting vulnerable New Yorkers from the devastation of mass incarceration. With the COVID-19 pandemic sweeping through our city’s jails and prisons, his work is more important than ever before.
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Challenging Systemic Injustice Through the LGBTQ+ Law and Policy Unit

Erin Beth Harrist has responded to the growing needs of our city’s LGBTQ+ communities. Incarcerated trans folk, especially trans women of color, are some of the most vulnerable during this crisis.
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Empowering New Yorkers Through the Employment Law Unit

Young Woo Lee and his team are giving a voice to those who are being exploited and helping vulnerable workers navigate this crisis.
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