Legal Aid Society


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Showing -117 — -119 of 1698.

LAS Condemns City’s Decision to Relocate Homeless New Yorkers From UWS Hotel

The de Blasio Administration capitulated to Upper West Side not in my back yard-ism by announcing plans to move individuals from the Lucerne Hotel to a family shelter, according to The New York Times.
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City’s Rogue DNA Databank Grows by Thousands Despite 20k Eligible for Removal

The City's DNA index has grown by 2,000 individuals since March, even though the NYC Office of Chief Medical Examiner ​has provided the NYPD with a list of roughly 20k New Yorkers who could be removed, according to the New York Daily News.
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LAS in the News 9.04.20

We have an intrinsic connection to the daily lives of New Yorkers. Here are a few of the places we made a difference, provided context or added valuable perspective this week.
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Advocates Push to Abolish New York’s Prison-to-Homeless Shelter Pipeline

The Legal Aid Society, Disability Rights New York and Paul, Weiss brought new claims which challenge systemic failures to provide services to people with serious mental illness upon their release from prison, reports Mother Jones.​
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LAS Calls on City to Address Degraded Living Conditions at Former Cluster Sites

Apartments converted for formerly homeless New Yorkers are unfinished and dilapidated, according to City Limits.
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LAS Signals Caution Over CDC Eviction Moratorium

The Federal Government has announced a moratorium on evictions for certain tenants who are unable to pay rent because of the COVID-19 crisis, reports Gothamist.
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LAS Slams New NYPD Body Cam Policy

Defenders assert the NYPD retains the ability to manipulate public debate through elements of editing and narration, according to the Gotham Gazette.
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Listen: LAS Talks Federal Eviction Moratorium, NYS Housing Crisis on The Brian Lehrer Show

The federal policy extends eviction moratorium for certain tenants through the end of the year but many New Yorkers will not benefit.
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Listen: LAS Slams Cuomo, DOCCS for Mismanagaing COVID-19 Crisis at NYS Prisons

Since the pandemic first broke this past March, COVID-19 has claimed the lives of 17 New Yorkers in DOCCS custody and infected hundreds more.
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LAS Decries Senseless Jailing Over Parole Violations

Draconian policy sends New Yorkers back to COVID-19 filled facilities on non-criminal matters, reports THE CITY.
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