Legal Aid Society


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Showing -124 — -126 of 1698.

LAS Slams SI DA McMahon for Refusing to Enforce New NYC Diaphragm Law

“When it comes to holding police officers accountable for committing heinous acts of misconduct, the NYPD can count on DA McMahon for special treatment."
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LAS Calls for Passage of Juvenile Delinquency Bill

New legislation would raise the minimum-age requirement of juvenile delinquency from 7 to 12, aiming to steer children under that age towards county-based social services, reports Juvenile Justice Information Exchange.
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LAS in the News 7.24.20

We have an intrinsic connection to the daily lives of New Yorkers. Here are a few of the places we made a difference, provided context or added valuable perspective this week.
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LAS Slams NY Prisons for Concealing Extent of COVID-19 Infection

Advocates say lack of testing hides true extent of spread, reports Business Insider.
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LAS Calls on Cuomo to Sign Protect Our Courts Act

Legislation would prevent surprise, warrantless civil arrests of undocumented immigrants in and around courthouses, reports Gothamist.
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LAS Condemns NYPD Refusal to Discipline Officer Over Police Misconduct

​Cop seen battering LAS client on the subway will not face discipline, reports the New York Post.
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LAS Lawsuit Leads to Legislation Countering NYPD’s Unlawful Detention of Protesters

New bill aims to prevent protesters from being disappeared into detention, the Intercept reports.
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LAS Calls for Protection of Incarcerated New Yorkers From Dangerous Summer Heat

DOC’s current plan will subject incarcerated people to extreme and potentially deadly temperatures, reports NY1.
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LAS Calls on Governor Cuomo to Prohibit Prone Restraints Against Children

New York state continues to permit deadly class of restraints against children, reports the New York Daily News.
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Legal Aid Unveils 2020 NYS Black Youth Justice Agenda

Platform includes legislation to end the arrest and prosecution of children under the age of 12; require consultation with counsel before a child may be interrogated by law enforcement; and protect New Yorkers' genetic privacy, reports the Chronicle For Social Change.
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