Legal Aid Society


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Showing -126 — -128 of 1698.

NYC Public Defenders File Federal Lawsuit to Halt In-Person Non-Emergency Court Matters

OCA’s Proposal Violates the Americans With Disabilities Act, Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and Rehabilitation Act of 1973, reports the New York Law Journal.
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LAS Calls On NYPD to Fire Officers Involved in Attack on Client

Legal Aid also demands that Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance dismiss all pending charges relating to this case, reports The City.
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LAS Presses Albany to Pass Bills Protecting Children in Police Interrogations

Proposed laws aim to protect children because they are not able to assert their rights during police interrogations, reports The City.
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LAS Continues to Warn Against Potential “Tsunami” of Evictions in NYC

New cases could force tens of thousands of financially struggling New Yorkers out of their homes, reports NY Daily News.
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Opinion: Cops are Using Fear to Fight Reform

Marie Ndiaye, Supervising Attorney of our Decarceration Project, penned an op-ed in City Limits on the fear-mongering and dog-whistling tactics employed by the NYPD to resist reform.
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LAS in the News 7.10.20

We have an intrinsic connection to the daily lives of New Yorkers. Here are a few of the places we made a difference, provided context or added valuable perspective this week.
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Civil Rights Attorneys Decry Decision that Declines Curfew, Social Distancing Enforcement Investigation

This ruling is a missed opportunity to bring much-needed accountability for the NYPD’s enforcement of social distancing rules disproportionately against Black and Latinx New Yorkers, despite hard evidence that violations of those rules are committed by white New Yorkers at equal rates.
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Legal Advocates Call on NYC DAs to Drop All Social Distancing, Protest-Related Arrests

Over 1,300 demonstrators still face charges relating to Mayor Bill de Blasio’s curfew, reports Gothamist.
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LAS Warns Against Courts Rushing to Resume Housing Trials in Brooklyn

New advisory for late-July reopening puts desperate tenants at even greater risk, reports Law360.
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LAS Slams False Narrative Peddled by NYPD to Undermine Reforms

Newly released data contradicts claims from the NYPD that crime increases have any relation to bail reforms, mass release efforts, reports Gothamist.
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