Legal Aid Society


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Showing -21 — -23 of 1698.

Watch: LAS Attorney Eugene Toussaint is Working Three Jobs

Eugene’s story underscores the serious funding issues faced by public defenders and legal services providers in New York City.
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Public Defenders, Civil Legal Providers Call on Mayor to Increase Funding

New York City Council members have already expressed their support for a $195M increase to fund these critical legal services for low-income New Yorkers.
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LAS Condemns Vote to Increase Rent for Vulnerable New Yorkers

The NYC Rent Guidelines Board once again raised rents for tenants in stabilized apartments, ignoring the City's worst housing affordability crisis in two decades.
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LAS Calls on Governor Hochul to Enact the Preserving Family Bonds Act

The legislation would authorize judges to direct continued contact between children in foster care and their families after parents' rights are terminated if it is in the child's best interest.
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LAS Secures Tax Exempt Status for Historic Black Women’s Benevolent Society

The exemption will save the society's Brooklyn headquarters from demolition and allow the organization to continue providing critical services to local residents.
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NYC Council Members Demand Funding for Public Defense, Right to Counsel

Twenty-six New York City Council members have signed a letter to Mayor Adams calling for $195M in additional funding for these critical legal services.
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LAS in the News 06.16.23

We have an intrinsic connection to the daily lives of New Yorkers. Here are a few of the places we made a difference, provided context or added valuable perspective this week.
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LAS Commends End of 90-Day Rule for Housing Vouchers

The Legal Aid Society is calling on the Mayor to enact the full package of CityFHEPS housing reforms recently passed by the City Council.
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LAS Demands Investigation Into NYPD Surveillance Technology Rollout

Technologies including a K5 Security Robot, DigiDog, and StarChase GPS Tracking Guns were introduced without legally required public notice and opportunity for comment.
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LAS Renews Call for Receivership of City Jails

The Legal Aid Society has long maintained that independent leadership with the authority to enact bold and swift change is necessary to end the humanitarian crisis on Rikers Island.
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