Legal Aid Society


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LAS in the News 04.14.23

We have an intrinsic connection to the daily lives of New Yorkers. Here are a few of the places we made a difference, provided context or added valuable perspective this week.
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Connie Park Joins LAS as Chief Human Resources Officer

Park will lead a team dedicated to retaining, recruiting, and supporting the people who deliver on the mission for justice in every borough.
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LAS: NYS Legislatures Must Defend Discovery Reform

Legal Aid is calling on lawmakers to reject a last-minute proposal to undo New York’s transformative and successful evidence sharing laws that were enacted in 2019.
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LAS Decries NYPD’s Latest Surveillance Overreach

The Mayor and the NYPD have reintroduced their controversial robot canine and unveiled new surveillance measures without adequate input from the community.
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City’s Landmark Eviction Defense Program in Dire Need of More Funding

Right to Counsel providers have launched a City funding campaign to ensure that low-income New Yorkers facing eviction have access to an attorney.
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LAS in the News 04.07.23

We have an intrinsic connection to the daily lives of New Yorkers. Here are a few of the places we made a difference, provided context or added valuable perspective this week.
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LAS Sues City for Illegally Terminating Low-Income New Yorkers’ Rental Vouchers

Thousands of families are at needless risk of eviction and homelessness due to New York City's failure to sustain FHEPS and CityFHEPS rent subsidies.
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LAS: Legislature Must Reject Governor’s Proposed Rollbacks to Bail Reform

The Legal Aid Society is calling on lawmakers to follow the data that shows bail reform's success and to reject sensationalized "tough on crime" rhetoric.
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LAS in the News 03.31.23

We have an intrinsic connection to the daily lives of New Yorkers. Here are a few of the places we made a difference, provided context or added valuable perspective this week.
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Watch: New Yorkers Need “Good Cause” Eviction Protections

The Legal Aid Society is calling on lawmakers in Albany to enact legislation to protect tenants across New York State.
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