Legal Aid Society

Search Results for “tatyana king”

Showing -1 — -3 of 134 for “tatyana king”.

Listen: New York Unlawfully Blocking Creation of Foster Families

The Legal Aid Society's Kate Wood appeared on The Capitol Pressroom to discuss a new lawsuit that seeks to remove barriers faced by relatives willing and able to become foster parents. 
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COVID-19 Infection Tracking in NYC Jails

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LAS in the News 02.05.21

We have an intrinsic connection to the daily lives of New Yorkers. Here are a few of the places we made a difference, provided context or added valuable perspective this week.
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Advocates Decry Trump’s Supreme Court Appeal to Lift Order Blocking “Public Charge” Rule

"The Trump administration is grasping at straws in their desperate attempt to expedite implementation of their racist wealth test for immigrants even before the government's appeals have been heard by the circuit courts,” reads a statement to Law 360.
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LAS Secures Certifications for Victims of Labor Trafficking

Legal Aid's Laura Berger was one of the first attorneys to utilize a new OSHA policy that protects workers regardless of immigration status.
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LAS Celebrates Victory in Repeal of New York’s Walking While Trans Ban

Governor Andrew Cuomo signed a bill repealing the controversial statute that overwhelmingly targeted transgender women, reports CNN.
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Victim of Human Trafficking Seeks Assistance Applying for Pardon

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City Hall: Most Homeless New Yorkers Must Wait Until Summer for Working WiFi

The Legal Aid Society condemned the Mayor for refusing to immediately install broadband-based internet for children who have been struggling to access remote learning, reports the New York Daily News.
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LAS Submits 40 Applications Seeking Emergency Executive Clemency From Governor

The Legal Aid Society has asked for expedited review of these applications and has asked that the Governor effectuate the immediate release of these individuals, according to the New York Daily News.
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LAS Slams Landlord’s Shocking Attempted Eviction of COVID-19 Patient

The landlord padlocked the apartment mere weeks after the tenant was hospitalized due to the coronavirus, as reported by Gothamist.
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