Legal Aid Society


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LAS in the News 03.08.24

We have an intrinsic connection to the daily lives of New Yorkers. Here are a few of the places we made a difference, provided context or added valuable perspective this week.
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Q&A: Ashley Lecaro, Social Worker, Immigration Law Unit

As a passionate advocate for human rights and social justice, Ashley plays a crucial role in assisting our clients as they navigate complex barriers.
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LAS Sues Over Hundreds of Violations, Absentee Ownership in Bronx Building

Tenants in the suit are asking the City to intervene and remove the current owners, who have refused repairs for decades.
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LAS Lawsuit Significantly Cuts City’s Benefits Backlog

As a result of litigation brought by Legal Aid, the City has cleared nearly all of its outstanding Cash Assistance and SNAP payments.
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LAS in the News 03.01.24

We have an intrinsic connection to the daily lives of New Yorkers. Here are a few of the places we made a difference, provided context or added valuable perspective this week.
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Report: Rikers Continues to Fail on Sanitation, Fire Safety, More

The report details the Department of Correction's failure to meet the most basic standards of cleanliness and safety for incarcerated New Yorkers.
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NYPD Misconduct Cost Taxpayers Nearly $115 Million in 2023

Since 2018, misconduct lawsuits against officers have cost New York City taxpayers over $548 million.
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Defenders: Mayor’s Plan Could Result in Thousands Transferred to ICE Custody

The Mayor’s call to upend NYC’s detainer law would throw local criminal court proceedings into chaos and perpetuate family separation.
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Twyla Carter Named to New York City Power 100 List

Legal Aid's Attorney-in-Chief and Chief Executive Officer of The Legal Aid Society has been honored as part of City and State's annual ranking.
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Public Interest Attorneys Demand Debt Relief

Lawmakers must ensure that all New Yorkers have access to quality legal representation by bolstering loan forgiveness for attorneys serving the public interest.
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