Legal Aid Society

Search Results for “tatyana king”

Showing -4 — -6 of 134 for “tatyana king”.
Legal Resources

What You Need to Know About Repair and Service Rights

In New York City, the law gives all residential tenants the right to a safe, decent, and sanitary living space. This right, commonly referred to as the warranty of habitability, is implied in every written...
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Serving New York’s Most Vulnerable in the Juvenile Rights Practice

HyeJi Kim is building a better future for young New Yorkers. As a Staff Attorney in our Juvenile Rights Practice, she is an advocate for children in Brooklyn Family Court.
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Fighting Detention & Deportation in the Immigration Law Unit

Forensic Social Worker Wanjuri Hawkins and her colleagues in our Immigration Law Unit are taking a stand for those in need.
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Defenders to Cuomo: Stop Blocking Vaccinations for Incarcerated Clients

If the Governor does not authorize distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine to those in state prisons and local jails a legal challenge from defender organizations is imminent, as reported by POLITICO New York.
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Historical Events

King and Bronx County Criminal Court Offices Open

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Kings County Criminal Defense Office

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Kings County Criminal Court Office

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Kings County Supreme Court Office

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Kings County Juvenile Rights Office

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Working at The Legal Aid Society

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